Upcoming Service Events or Surgery Closures

Our main surgery opening hours are from 8am to 6.30pm, Monday to Friday. Please note that the surgeries and the dispensary are always closed between 1pm and 2pm. The dispensary closes earlier  (at 6pm) than the surgery so please remember this when planning any visit.The surgeries and dispensary are always closed at weekends. 

Should we have to change opening times, or close, for any reason - we'll place the details here on this page. 

This page is also the place to see when public holidays affect surgery and dispensary opening.


Bank Holidays


Date Day Bank Holiday
1 January Friday New Year's Day
29 March Monday Good Friday
1 April Monday Easter Monday
6 May Monday Early May bank holiday
27 May Monday Spring bank holiday
26 August Monday Summer bank holiday
25 December Wednesday Christmas Day
26 December Thursday Boxing Day


Current Past