We’ve some new information about how best to contact our Dispensary  (for repeat prescriptions and any enquiries involving the Dispensary)  from  1st June 2020.


We’d like you to now ALWAYS consider ordering repeat medicines using the Patient Access app or the NHS app, both of which are fully recommended for use by your doctors’ surgery. 


You'll find that using the app for repeat prescriptions is simple, quick and usually more convenient.

The coronavirus emergency has brought big changes in how we’re serving our patients and this will continue into the future. If you need an NHS service, please try to do it online first. If necessary, ask a friend or family member to help you.

Our Dispensary email address for a repeat medication request, or a request for medication that ISN’T currently on your repeat list, is still:

To help our patients and to ease the pressure on our phone system, we've now introduced an alternative email if you have dispensary related questions or you're seeking INFORMATION connected to the dispensary. In this case please 

Always remember to include your name, address and date of birth in your email and please be aware that we may have to wait for information from a clinician before we can reply to your query.

Alternatively, you can make a repeat prescription request via some of the local pharmacies or drop your paper repeat prescription request into our letterbox on the wall opposite the main door at the Victoria House Surgery.

Please note that we still ask for three working days to process your prescription and we do not routinely reply  - however we will contact you if there's a query that needs resolving before the process can be completed.


If you don't already have one of the apps please click here for Patient Access for Apple/IOS or here for Android devices and download Patient Access to your smartphone or tablet. OR download the NHS app for Apple/IOS or for Android.

Then just call our team on 01869 248585 (choose option 5) and ask to be registered as a user of online services. We'll then send you an email right away with some details to enter into your device so that you can start using the app. It's really that quick and simple!

(This article was last updated on 16 July 2020)


Published: May 13, 2020