Our GP Availability

Dr Anderson Has Now Retired

Dr Anderson has now retired (w/c 18 March 2024). His patients have been distributed among the other GPs in the practice and we have informed his patients of their new GP - please check your email or your text messages (including your junk email folder). If you don't hear from us this usually means we either do not have a contact email or phone number for you, or we have an incorrect or out of date email or phone number. To ensure we have the latest contact information for you please ensure you fill in our Contact Details form to keep your records up to date.

Please note; your usual GP may change when we have new GPs start at our practice and we re-distribute our patients. We balance our list sizes according to how many sessions our GPs work, and ask that you don't request a different GP to the one you were allocated at this time.

Dr Wong-Morrow

Dr Wong-Morrow has made the decision that she will not be returning to the Practice after her maternity leave. As a result, the patients who were previously on her list will continue to be on the list of the GP they were moved to during her absence.

As noted above, your usual GP may change when we have new GPs start at our practice and we re-distribute our patients to balance our list sizes.


GPs Annual Leave

The following GPs are currently on or have upcoming annual leave

Dr Collinson is now on maternity leave. Her patients have been distributed among the other GPs in the practice and you should have received a text message from us informing you of your GP whilst she is on maternity leave, should we have your correct mobile number. When she returns from maternity leave we will move those patients back to Dr Collinson

Dr Hallam-Evans is on annual leave Friday 26th  July - Tuesday 13th August

Dr Nijjar is on annual leave w/c 29th July

Dr Doucas is on annual leave w/c 5th August 

W/C 29th July 2024

Registered GP Mon Tues Weds Thurs Fri
Dr Quartley          
Dr Doucas    
Dr Hill    
Dr Bate  
Dr Nijjar          
Dr Collinson          
Dr Hadley  
Dr Hallam Evans          
Dr Lo  
Dr Rajan    

WC 5th August 2024

Registered GP Mon Tues Weds Thurs Fri
Dr Quartley          
Dr Doucas          
Dr Hill    
Dr Bate  
Dr Nijjar  
Dr Collinson          
Dr Hadley  
Dr Hallam Evans      


Dr Lo          
Dr Rajan