
We are a training and teaching practice, which allows us to have GP Trainees, these are qualified doctors who wish to become GPs, they work closely with the partners in all aspects of patient care. Because we are a training practice we will often record consultations for training purposes. Giving consent for a consultation to be recorded is, of course, entirely voluntary for any patient, and written consent is obtained before and after any consultation to allow it to be used.



Alchester Medical Group is a well established training practice. There are currently 2 trainers:

Dr Esther Hill - Training lead involved in GP VTS, Buckingham Medical School CMB lead and GP Tutor for Lincoln College, Oxford.

Dr Helena Doucas - Foundation Programme Lead and GP tutor for Merton College, Oxford.




GP VTS - These are qualified doctors at various staging in their training to become GPs. These doctors see patients independently but are supervised by GPs working with the practice.

Buckingham Medical Students - There are medical students attached to the surgery involved in the clinical methods block which involves consulting with patients under close supervision by GP trainers. In addition the practice is involved in the Narrative Medicine course which involves visiting patients homes to learn the patient journey through the NHS.

Oxford Medical School - There are students attending the surgery from two Oxford Colleges who are attached to the practice and learn more about patient conditions within the GP environment. 


Recording of Consultations

As part of a new GPs training and assessment, they are required to submit a number of recorded consultations with patients so that the doctor’s clinical, professional, communication and practical skills can be assessed.  This is known as the Royal College of General Practitioners’ Recorded Consultation Assessment and is an important part of new GP’s training.

The learner may ask you to be filmed during a consultation with your consent. This may be in either audio or video form, either via a phone recording of your consultation (if conducted over the phone), via a video consultation (if conducted as a video consultation), or via a video recording of a face to face consultation.

This is solely for training, education and assessment purposes. The recording, processing and storage of the consultation will comply with General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) and is in line with guidance of the General Medical Council.

More information on how we will manage your data is available here: our practice Privacy Statement and more about our Confidentiality Policy

Patient's do not have to agree to their consultation with the doctor being recorded. If they do not want us to record the consultation, this is not a problem at all, and will not affect the care they receive in any way.

Patient’s can also change their mind after the consultation and decide they would rather not have their consultation used in this way. Therefore informed consent will be sought before the consultation takes place, but will also be confirmed after the consultation is over.

Recordings of consultations that are submitted for the RCA will be deleted on the day that the exam results are published.  Recordings that are uploaded but not submitted will be deleted after 26 weeks (182 days).

If you have any concerns at all please contact Liza Middleton, our training administrator -